A Typical Day
Start of the Day
8:45am – Program starts. Children and families are welcomed upon arrival. Families support children with their morning ‘jobs’ before coming to play outside in the garden. After a little play together, children are supported to say goodbye to their families. Children connect with peers in play.
9.30am - Morning group time. We meet as a group in the Kippa room. Together, we sing good morning to our teachers and peers. We share an Acknowledgement of Country. Together, we engage in music and movement experiences and add ‘rhythm to our bodies’. We might plan our day collaboratively. We play a group game to move to morning tea.
10.00am - Morning Tea. Prior to morning tea, children are encouraged to use the bathroom, wash hands and gather their lunchbox and drink bottle. We share a story together whilst eating.
Inside/Outside Play Time
10.20am - Play time. Children are welcome to play inside or outside. Play areas are intentionally set up to provoke and extend children’s learning by following current interests and curriculum areas. Some of the frequent play spaces include the dramatic play area, the art studio, construction areas, climbing equipment, mud pit/sand pit and swings. Before finishing play time, children are supported to collaboratively pack away both inside and outside to create a respectful culture of looking after the Kindy.

Group Time
12:15pm – Story time. We engage in songs, storytelling and games. We regularly use puppetry to make storytelling a magical experience. We play transitional games to move to lunch.
12:45pm – Lunch. Teachers and children sit together to share lunch at the tables on the verandah. After eating, children tidy up, go to the bathroom and move inside for rest time.
1:10pm – Rest time. This is a quiet time of day. The lights are dimmed with beautiful music playing. Children learn to listen to their bodies and are invited to sleep, rest or relax as needed. Teachers often offer mindfulness techniques during this time (including playing special instruments). After a period of rest, children may be invited to select a quiet activity (‘quiet bag’) to engage in independent restful play.
2:10pm - Children slowly wake up and are supported to pack away sheets and quiet bags. Children then meet in the Kippa to prepare for Afternoon group time. We connect as a group to reflect on the day at Kindy. We sing goodbye to our teachers and peers. We play a transitional game to move to the verandah to pack our belongings.
2.45pm – Program finishes. Children wait with the teaching team safely on the verandah until signed out by a guardian